Inspirational Quote

Start where you are.

Use what you have.

Do what you can.

-Arthur Ashe


In life, we might not have everything we think we need or want at any given moment.  We need to embrace where we are and work on moving toward our next goal.  Today’s quote is from tennis star, Arthur Ashe.  His quote reminds each of us to “Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can.”

This quote could very easily apply to the students enrolled in my ASVAB prep course.  My students realized where they were was not where they needed to be in terms of their readiness for taking the ASVAB.  They knew they needed to start where they were and realized the need for an ASVAB tutor.  They realized they needed to build upon their current skills and do what they could to move toward their goals.  Seeking help with ASVAB math and vocabulary will guide them toward their goal of enlistment in the U.S. military.  Each step they make leads them closer to their ultimate goal of serving our nation.