Inspirational Quote

Know what sparks the light in you.  Then use that light to illuminate the world. – Oprah Winfrey

In life, we need to find our passion.  Each one of us is born with a purpose.  Our life goal is to find that purpose.  We need to find what brings out the light within us.  We need to share our light with others.  We need to leave the world a bit better than we found it. As an ASVAB tutor, I meet students with the desire to serve our nation.  Many of them come with an undeniable enthusiasm, a dream of being a part of something bigger than themselves.  Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”  Learning the purpose for your life is a powerful thing.  When I see the students in my course realize they have found their calling, it makes me proud of them.  Proud to know that working to serve, defend, and protect our great nation is their true calling.