Inspirational Quote

Mistakes are proof that you are trying. – Unknown

As an ASVAB tutor, when people make mistakes in solving the math problems in class, I tell them not to get discouraged.  Making a mistake shows that they tried to solve the problem.  Putting in effort is the first step toward success.  The same is true in life.  At times, we make mistakes on our journey.  Mistakes are often a necessary step on the road to success.  Look at Thomas Edison and how many times he failed at making the light bulb.  If he had given up before he succeeded, think of how different our lives would be now.  We would be in the dark.  For many people who quit before they should, they miss out on seeing the light after their struggles as well.  Remember do not be ashamed of mistakes.  Keep working toward your goals   and improve yourself every step of the way.