Word Knowledge Question


In teaching my ASVAB prep course, I emphasize the importance of reviewing Latin and Green prefixes, root words, and suffixes with my students.  I included charts of very common prefixes, root words and suffixes in my book, The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide.

Today I present the review of a root word for the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.

The root word is “corp”.

There are many words with the root word “corp” in it.

Examples include corporate, incorporate, corporation, corpse, and corps.

Do you know the meaning of any of the above words?

I will present their definitions tomorrow.

The question is:

What does the root word corp mean?

  1. Body
  2. Business
  3. Death
  4. Vegetable

I will present the meaning of the Latin root word “corp” tomorrow.