Word Knowledge Answer

Yesterday I presented the review of a root word for the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.

The root word is “corp”.  The meaning of the root word “corp” is body.

There are many words with the root word “corp” in it.

Examples include corporate, incorporate, corporation, corpse, and corps.

The meanings of these words are:

Corporate means belonging to a corporation or a group.

Incorporate means to form into a legal corporation or to introduce into a body as a key part.

Corporation means an association or group of persons united as one body.

Corpse is a dead body.

Corps means a military organization consisting of officers and enlisted or a group of persons acting together.

The question is:

What does the root word corp mean?

  1. Body
  2. Business
  3. Death
  4. Vegetable

Corp means body.  The answer is choice A. body.