Word Knowledge Question

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I saw the value in writing a book to review the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.  My book is called The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide. My book includes common ASVAB vocabulary words for reiview and Latin and Greek prefixes, root words, and suffixes.  Today I present a question on Word Knowledge.

The question is about the prefix “circum”.  “Circum” is a Latin root.

There are many words in the English language with the Latin root “circum”.

Examples of words with the root “circum” are circuit, circuitous, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumstance, and circumvent.

The question is:

What does the prefix “circum” mean?

  1. Circus
  2. Around
  3. Come
  4. Go

Do you know the meaning of the root word “circum”?

I will post the answer and explanation tomorrow.