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The ASVAB Tutor’s Arithmetic Reasoning Study Guide consists of review lessons, 2 versions of the study materials, and explanations for 15 different subtopics which include: fractions, decimals, percentages, proportions, distance, and measurement, among others. The book contains over 200 Arithmetic Reasoning word problems and explanations.
*All the problems in this book are presented in video form in the online course.

The ASVAB Tutor’s Mathematics Knowledge Study Guide reviews the section of the ASVAB that contains algebra and geometry. The book consists of review lessons, 2 versions of the study materials, and explanations for 15 different subtopics which include: area, volume, surface area, exponents, solve for x, and basic operations with algebra, among others. The book contains over 200 Mathematics Knowledge problems and explanations.
*All the problems in this book are presented in video form in the online course.

The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide reviews the sections of the ASVAB that cover vocabulary and reading comprehension section. The book contains: over 500 ASVAB vocabulary words, review of prefixes, word roots, and suffixes, paragraph comprehension tips, passages with questions and explanations of the answers.
*Over 500 vocabulary videos featuring Mr. Cuddles® are presented in the online course.
*All the paragraph comprehension passages in this book are also presented in video form in the online course.

The ASVAB Tutor’s Practice Questions for Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge reviews word problems, algebra and geometry sections of the ASVAB. The book presents 2 versions of practice questions for Arithmetic Reasoning and 2 versions of practice questions for Mathematics Knowledge. Explanations of the answers are presented.