Word Knowledge Review of Suffix -Vorous or -Vore


Yesterday I presented a question on the suffix -vorous or -vore.  Do you know what the suffix

-vorous or -vore means?

As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students how revieing suffixes in addition to prefixes and root words can expand their vocabulary and improve their scores on the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.

The suffix -vore means one who eats while the suffix -vorous means eating.

The meaning of word with the suffix -vore or -vorous are listed below.

Herbivore is an animal that eats plants.

Herbivorous is a term describing animals that feeds on plants.

Carnivore is an animal that feeds on flesh.

Carnivorous is a term describing animals that feed on flesh.

Omnivore is an animal or person that eats food from both plants and animals.

Omnivorous is a term describing animals or people that eat food from both plants and animals.

Did you know what the suffix -vorous or -vore means?