Arithmetic Reasoning Test Taking Tip

Today I present an Arithmetic Reasoning test taking tip.

Eliminate answer choice that look like the answer before you pick up a pencil and paper. These are the trap answers. As an ASVAB tutor, I remind the students in my ASVAB prep course that if an answer looks so obvious, eliminate that one.  Chances are, it is a trap.  Too good to be true, I tell them.  No question is that easy on this test.  Most questions require multiple steps to solve.  When you face a multiple-choice question, the good news is that the correct answer is on the page before you.  The bad news is there are other choices that are incorrect.  You need to figure out which one is correct.  Make sure you are solid with long division, fractions, decimals, percentages, proportions, ratios, distance and rate, miles per gallon, and measurement.  There are other important topics to review for Arithmetic Reasoning as well.  I include all these topics in my course as well as my book, The ASVAB Tutor’s Arithmetic Reasoning Study Guide.  My advice is plain and simple, be prepared before you take the exam.