Arithmetic Reasoning

As an ASVAB tutor, I focus very heavily on the review of Arithmetic Reasoning.

One of the 15 subtopics I focus on is distance and rate.

Yesterday I presented a question on rate.

If a copy machine can copy 15 pages in a minute, how many pages can it copy in 3 ½ hours.

  1. 5 pages
  2. 900 pages
  3. 2700 pages
  4. 3150 pages

To solve this problem, first change 3 ½ hours into minutes.  There are 60 minutes in an hour, so there are 180 minutes in 3 hours.  There are 30 minutes in a half hour.

The total amount of minutes in 3 ½ hours is 180 + 30 = 210 minutes.

If the copy machine copies 15 pages in a minute for 210 minutes, multiply 210 by 15 to figure out the total number of copies.

210 x 15 = 3150.

The correct answer is 3150 pages.

Did you know how to answer this problem?