Arithmetic Reasoning Answer

As an ASVAB tutor, I spend the majority of my ASVAB prep course instruction time on reviewing the two math sections of the ASVAB.  There are 15 subtopics that I review for Arithmetic Reasoning and 15 subtopics that I cover for Mathematics Knowledge.  One of the subtopics that I cover in Arithmetic Reasoning is patterns and sequences.  Two days ago, I presented an Arithmetic Reasoning question on patterns and sequences.

The question is:

What come next in the pattern?

1/6, 1/12, 1/18, _____

  1. 1/20
  2. 1/22
  3. 1/24
  4. 1/30

Do you know what fraction comes next in the pattern?

This pattern includes fractions.  In this question, it can be seen that all the numerators are 1.

The next fraction in the pattern will have a numerator of 1.

To figure out the denominator, it is necessary to look for the pattern from one fraction to the next.

1/6 to 1/12 has the denominator increase by 6.

1/12 to 1/18 has the denominator increase by 6.

To figure out the next fraction in the pattern, add 6 to the denominator.

The final answer would be 1/24.

Another way to find the answer would be to see the pattern as multiplication on the denominator.

6 x 1 = 6

6 x 2 = 12

6 x 3 = 18

The last one would be 6 x 4 = 24

The answer is 1/24.