Arithmetic Reasoning Answer

Distance and rate is a common topic that appears on the Arithmetic Reasoning section of the ASVAB.  Many of the students I tutor for the ASVAB are intimidated by these types of problems.  I tell them that the questions about the trains going opposite directions are one of my favorite types of questions.  After I finish explaining it, many of them enjoy solving this problem too.  It is easier than it seems.

Yesterday I presented an Arithmetic Reasoning question.  This question is on distance and rate.

The question is:

If 2 trains travel in opposite directions and one travels north at 60 mph and the other travels south at 40 mph, how far apart will the trains be in 5 hours?

  1. 100 miles
  2. 200 miles
  3. 300 miles
  4. 500 miles

To figure out the answer to this question, there are two steps.  The trains are going opposite directions and start at the same point.  When trains travel opposite directions, add the distance each travels in one hour to see how far apart they are after an hour.

One travels north at 60 mph.  One travels south at 40 mph

Add 60 + 40 mph.

60 + 40 = 100

The two trains are 100 miles apart after 1 hour.

The question asks how far apart the trains will be in 5 hours.

To find this answer, multiply 100 x 5.

100 x 5 = 500.

The answer is Choice D. 500 miles.