In my ASVAB prep course, I talk about the different types of reading comprehension questions that exist on the Paragraph Comprehension section of the ASVAB.

Yesterday I presented a question on sequence.  Sequence is one of the types of comprehension questions that might be found on the ASVAB.

Did you know which of the questions presented was a sequence question of the following questions?

Why did the dog catcher release the dog?

What breed was the dog?

What was the first thing the dog did after he was released?

How did the owner find his dog?

The sequence question is: What was the first thing the dog did after he was released.

As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of knowing the different types of comprehension questions that can be found on the test.  In my prep course, I focus mostly on providing help to ASVAB math, arithmetic, and vocabulary, but I make sure to discuss the types of questions that appear on the Paragraph Comprehension section as well as provide tips on how to recognize and find answers for the different types of questions.