Word Knowledge

Yesterday I presented a question on the root word chron-.  What does the root chron- mean?

The root word chron- means time.

Here are the definitions of some words with the Greek root chron-

Achronism is the state of timelessness.

Anachronism is something belong to a time period other than the one it exists in, especially something very old-fashioned.

Chronology is the arrangement of events or dates in time order.

Chronometer is an instrument used for measuring time.

Chronic refers to an illness that lasts for a long time.

Chronicle is a factual account of historical events in order of occurrence.

As an ASVAB tutor, I constantly remind my students of the importance of reviewing Latin and Greek prefixes, root words, and suffixes to boost their Word Knowledge score.

Did you know what the Greek root word chron- means?