Word Knowledge

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I wrote a book to review the Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension sections of the ASVAB.  My book includes over 500 ASVAB vocabulary words.  I present each word in 2 sentences that provide context clues to the words’ meaning.

Yesterday I presented the word “adversary”, which is one of the over 500 words in my book.

Do you know what adversary means?

These are the choices I presented:

  1. Ally
  2. Enemy
  3. Side effect
  4. Hardship

The meaning of adversary is enemy.

Today. I present a video that shows the word in context.  “I am dressed in armor so I am ready to meet my adversary.  We must remain safe while we’re trying to battle our enemies.”

Adversary is a negative word.  The choice A. ally is a positive word so that can be eliminated.

Other words that sound a little like adversary are adverse and adversity.

Adverse means harmful.  Adversity means hardship.

The meaning of adversary is enemy.