Motivational Monday

No pressure, no diamonds. – Thomas Carlyle

In life, we experience a great deal of pressure.  Good things do not come easily.  Scientifically speaking, without pressure there would be no diamonds.  Diamonds are crystallized carbon structures that formed beneath the surface of the earth over the course of millions or even billions of years.  The process occurred due to heat and pressure.  In life, we need to expect pressure.  No pain, no gain.  As an ASVAB tutor, I have seen the pressure my students enrolled in my ASVAB prep course experience.  They have enormous pressure to earn a certain ASVAB score and to be in the best physical shape.  I can help alleviate the pressure they feel in achieving the necessary math or verbal scores by providing help with ASVAB math and vocabulary.  People need to realize that they should not shy away from feeling pressure.  Growth never happens in our comfort zone.  Pressure brings about change.  Change can lead to success.  I remind you to endure the pressure and appreciate the rewards of your endurance.