Motivational Monday

Today I present an inspirational quote from an unknown source.  The quote reads, “Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.  These days it seems there are many social media posts about going outside your comfort zone.  Growth occurs only outside your comfort zone.  There is truth in this statement.  If you look back at life and think about any growth or achievement you made, it did not come without work.  Think about babies learning to walk.  It did not come without initial failure.  Think about learning to ride a bike.  It did not come without many falls.  Think about any achievement anyone has ever made.  Achievements are made outside your comfort zone.

In working as an ASVAB tutor who teaches an ASVAB prep course, I know that learning does not always come easily.  I see students who push themselves outside their comfort zone.  I see others who stay in their comfort zone.  The ones who leave their comfort zone push themselves.  They study on their own.  The do whatever it takes to help improve their ASVAB math, vocabulary and reading scores.  The ones who stay in their comfort zones do not make the effort to remember the necessary formulas.  They do not put in the necessary time and work.  The results speak for themselves.  Those who work the hardest make achievements and those who do not delay their achievement of success.  Push yourself outside your comfort zone.  That is where true growth occurs.